Something that confuses a lot of people is whether there is a Yaz class action lawsuit. The women who were injured by Yaz are not actually eligible to be part of a class action lawsuit. The reason why is boring and complicated, but in a nutshell the Supreme Court has held that personal injury lawsuits are not properly brought as class actions. Instead, they are brought under what is called Multi-District Litigation, or an MDL. To an injured woman, there is no real difference between an MDL or a class action – Yaz lawyers who represent her and other injured women will work to resolve her case.
However, there is one type of Yaz class action that some lawyers thought might be proper: A class action on behalf of women who purchased Yaz because of advertising they believed to be misleading. So a Yaz lawyer asked the court to create a class action for women who wanted refunds of the money they spent on Yaz.
Lawyers Weekly USA reported on March 26th that the request was shot down: “[T]he court concluded that the plaintiff could not meet the requirements for class certification under federal law.” So there will be no Yaz class action and injured women will need to proceed under the Yaz MDL.
Terms like MDL and class action can be confusing – we know. So if you’ve got questions, don’t be afraid to contact us and we’ll do our best to answer them. We’re here to help and are always glad to do so.