The April 12th edition of the International Business Times News has an article entitled “Birth Control Pills Get New FDA Warning.” That article discusses the new FDA warning for Yaz, Yasmin, and other birth control drugs that contain the synthetic hormone drospirenone. The article explains that the risk of blood clots is increased when using these drugs:
For every 10,000 women who are not pregnant and do not use the pill, between one and five will develop a blood clot, the FDA said. Between three and nine out of every 10,000 women who use contraceptives will develop a blood clot, and between 40 and 65 women out of 10,000 will develop a blood clot within 12 weeks of giving birth, the organization said.
The article notes that depending upon the brand of birth control pills used, a woman could be three times as likely to develop a clot. Most Yaz lawsuits also allege that Yaz increases a woman’s risk of developing a blood clot, a DVT, or a pulmonary embolism.
Yaz lawyers like our firm are accepting cases from any woman who suffered a clotting-related injury while taking Yaz or Yasmin. We can be reached at 888-315-3997.